Stop Telling People ‘It Gets Better’

An important message to read – every day.

We need better strategies to help people – every day: “much of the messaging around suicide prevention is like persuading someone to jump and be rescued safely from a burning building, and then after the initial danger point of the jump is averted, society shepherds them back into the burning building via the front door.”

Me, Myself and Disability

September 10th is the annual World Suicide Prevention Day.  Indeed, in the US the entire month is designated suicide prevention month and as someone with an ever lengthening record of speaking openly on the topic of suicide as an attempt survivor, the whole premise of WSPD once again fills me with hope and disquiet…

When I (very reluctantly) first sought medical help for depression and suicidality, I was convinced that part of me must be defective.  In my mind, I had screwed things up so badly that this seemed the only logical conclusion, I was stuck and completely unable to get out of the hole I had dug myself into and now the only way out was to end my own life.  If this wasn’t the definition of a deficiency of being human, I didn’t know what it was – I knew that I had reached a point where the…

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